Socio-economy & New Tech


Post-Doctoral Fellowships

United Kingdom

Decision-making in conflict affected states: the case of Colombia and Palestine

Around the world, communities clash and large numbers of people live through long-lasting violence. Past research has focused on the effect of conflict on economic outcomes, health, education, and employment. Less tangible things, like attitude toward risk and social capital, may well be affected, too. Risk preferences, patience, and social preferences, like altruism and cooperative behaviour are at the heart of successful cooperation and collective action, and might be influenced by the traumatic shocks of violent conflict.
Dr. Elisa Cavatorta has worked on the ground in conflict-torn areas of both the Palestinian Territories and Colombia. Using individual data from these communities, she aims to discover whether individuals’ attitude and behaviour underlying successful reconstruction are changed by their exposure to violence. Knowing this could help design effective new interventions for post-conflict countries today and policies that alleviate the legacies of conflict. Understanding the impact of violence on individual decision-making will be the first, crucial step toward rebuilding a culture of peace.

Conflict and Cooperation: Rebuilding After the Violence

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Institute for Fiscal Studies


United Kingdom



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