Although many advances have been made in closing the gender gap over the past decades, gender differences still translate into specific needs for both women and men. Women continue to be socially discriminated with respect to not only their education, employment and economic situation, but also their moral and physical integrity. What’s more, their specific physiological needs are inadequately addressed by medicine. To fight these inequalities and improve the conditions of women worldwide, a sound analysis of the issues and current practices, coupled with the implementation of concrete solutions to address them, is necessary; and this approach must be based on scientific research.
Aware of the importance of this societal challenge, many researchers, both male and female, supported by AXA have dedicated their expertise to improving the lives and health outcomes of women.
Discover below some of these projects that aim to: better treat diseases that affect women; support those facing domestic violence; defend the rights of disadvantaged women and their rights to a better life; and to support women entrepreneurs.